E-Book: Revealing Your Customer's Pain Points.

Integrator E-Book Part 2

Part 2 of 4 of our integrator e-book, “Making Security Entrances Your Next Profit Center,” contains information to assist security integrators in truly understanding what problems their customers are trying to solve. The process begins with asking your customer, “What is your goal in terms of tailgating mitigation?”

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We’ll give you the low-down on each type of product and how it measures up against tailgating so that you can match your customer with the right entrance. You’ll also discover the weaknesses of manned entrances so that you can be a trusted, transparent advisor to your clients.

In part 2 of our e-book you’ll gain insight regarding:

  • The term "turnstile" and what your customer really means when they ask for one
  • Four levels of security tailgating mitigation and how each type of entrance measures up
  • Vulnerabilities of manned security entrance solutions
Take the opportunity to get educated and provide solutions that will truly solve your customer’s pain points.

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